Saturday, November 8, 2008

Mercy ... That's a Good One!

10 miles including 8 mi. b/w 8:08-38/mi. then 2 mi.@ 7:38/mi.

10.03 mi. incl.
8.0 mi.@ 8:25/mi
2.0 mi.@ 7:23/mi.

6:31 AM 42° 98% 0 mph

This was a really good run. It was tough to get out of the house realizing that I would be on my own today. But once I got over to the Y, stretched and got going, I felt pretty good. The morning's air was cool and the sun was just coming up around Mile 2. Although I was running alone today, there were a lot of people out enjoying the morning on the path along Faulkey Gully. I was going a bit faster at the start than I wanted to and had to keep telling myself "Settle down!" But I hit my times for every mile of this run and was able to finish strong (7:33 and 7:13 miles).

I'm looking forward to a day of rest tomorrow.

Congratulations to my friends who ran the Rocky Raccoon 25K trail run today and those running the 25K road race in Houston tomorrow.

FRS & oatmeal w/brown sugar & 1% milk

weight = 156.5#
SlimFast & Kashi GoLean cereal w/1% milk

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