Monday, November 3, 2008

A Bit Sore

3 - 4 miles slow

4.03 mi.@ 8:50/mi.

4:52 AM 48F 100% 0 mph

I got an early start this morning as the clocks changed from daylight savings time to standard time early Sunday morning. I also got a nap in early Sunday afternoon.

This morning's run went fine. My legs were sore, certainly from Saturday's miles, even though I took an ice bath when I got home from running Saturday. I can only imagine they would have been worse were it not for the ice bath. I rolled out the 4 mile "Stuebner-Airline Loop". Since I was supposed to be "slow" today, I wanted to keep it slower than 8:38 pace. This wasn't a problem with my legs being a bit balky.

I ran in new Saucony Grid Ignition shoes that I picked up on a whim Saturday afternoon. They felt light and comfortable when I tried them on in the store and again this morning before setting out. They're a cushioning shoe and seem to be "tilted" forward slightly more than my Mizuno's. Shortly after getting going, they were "just shoes", nothing special. I'll monitor my legs and feet for soreness today and tomorrow. It's not like me to just randomly try a new pair of shoes.

I'm considering racing this weekend in place of my scheduled long run. I'll have to see how I'm feeling as the week progresses. It seems the group I usually run with on Saturday is doing a trail run and some other runners that I occasionally join are doing a 25K race. I don't feel I'm really ready to race right now but know the 25K will be an easier way for me to get miles than on my own.

weight = 158#

water, multivitamin & oatmeal w/flax, brown sugar & 1% milk

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