Friday, November 7, 2008

Don't Worry; Be Happy

4 mi. slow (> 8:38/mi.)

4.01 mi.@ 8:52/mi.

55F 77% 5 mph

weight = 157.5
water & Clif bar

I really needed this slow, short run today. It was scheduled for yesterday and I should have taken it then. I've been pushing mileage and pace for a week now and my body really isn't too happy about it. My legs are sore and achy. My abs - particularly lower abs - feel strained too. My build up hasn't followed conventional wisdom and I'm certain I shouldn't have run 20 miles last Saturday "just because I can". That was pretty stupid.

Today I just tried to settle in at a relaxed, comfortable pace and kept reminding myself to take it slow. I caught myself repeatedly looking at my watch which is certainly a symptom of being too pace-oriented recently. All of this week I've been focused on hitting my times and wondering "if I could actually do it" since I adjusted my times for this training cycle to a 3:20 marathon. I've hit them all but it's been a slight stretch.

I've got a long run tomorrow then rest for Sunday. I think I'll follow the same training next week as a comparative. Hopefully Sunday's rest will serve me well!

chocolate milk, multivitamin, water, oatmeal w/almonds, flax, brown sugar, cinnamon, nutmeg & 1% milk

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