6 mi.@ 7:53-8:44
6.05 mi.@ 8:39
8:17 PM 81° 62% 3 mph
Didn't run this morning due to Cameron's Senior Awards Ceremony. After a late day in the office, stopped at Memorial Park for a couple of loops. Just looking to add to my weekly mileage. Saw Josh at the park. He must have been doing speed work since the first time I saw him, he just few past me.
Yeah, I did 3x 1000m @ 6:12. This was my first run since my long run on Saturday, and I was determined to get something in, even if it was late. My cycling has been seriously cutting in on my running of late.
Nice workout, Josh! I figured you must be hammering it out. I saw you somewhere between the tennis courts and Memorial. You were running clockwise and I was going in the opposite direction. With your blazing pace, the fading light and shadows, I didn't realize it was you until you were right in front of me. By then, you were past me. Does that mean you were running faster than my synapses are capable of processing speech?
Good to see you. If only briefly, on the backside. Knowing you were out there helped me get through my slog!
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