Friday, October 24, 2008

Going Somewhere?

3 mi. easy

3.02 mi.@ 7:20/mi.

6:12 AM 43° 100% 0 mph

Okay ... see what happens? Yesterday, I blog about some high-minded discipline then today I go out and go absolutely out of control! You'd think I was in a hurry to get somewhere or something.

Obviously this run was too fast. Yesterday was my birthday and I ate way too much of pretty much all the wrong things. I had thought I'd go for 6 miles as "punishment" this morning. But my late start curtailed that idea.

So what happened ... well, I rolled out the first half mile as usual. I think I was around 8:30/mile pace. Then I just decided, "I'm cutting this thing loose!" So I took off. I thought I'd just pick it up for a couple miles then ease it back home over the final half. But I kept pushing. This wasn't in all-out effort but it was very, very fast for an easy run that certainly didn't need to be. I felt good though. My legs and cardio were strong. The morning air was surprisingly cool.

My weekend running has some uncertainty due to a bit of traveling. I expect to log some miles though. I'll miss 18 miles with the regular crew tomorrow. I hate missing them but I'm sure they'll be okay without me. ha

Well, gotta go for now (it seems I'm still in a hurry to get somewhere...). I'm going to indulge in some high-class chocolate now that I've finished my lunch. It's a good thing birthdays only come around once a year!


water, multivitamin, Kashi GoLean cereal w/2% milk

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