Friday, June 6, 2008

Weak Butt

Well it's official, I have a weak butt! That's not the official diagnosis.... But I'll get to that.

I finally made it to the doctor today. After dealing with the problem on the outside of my knee since November 10, I now have an understanding of the problem and the treatment. I met with Dr. John Cianca this morning. Shellie Patton recommended Cianca but I later found out that Stephanie, William, and Randy have each been to him as well. Cianca is the former medical director of the Houston Marathon and a runner himself. I found him to be very good. I liked the fact that he seemed very thorough and precise. I benefited from the fact that Dr. Cianca was being shadowed by another young doctor today. So he was explaining to her anything he was doing to me as he was doing it. After discussing my symptoms an detail, he took me through an extensive battery of physical tests. Things like squatting, hopping, balancing on one leg, etc.

So the diagnosis: iliotibial band syndrome caused by weak gluteal muscles.

The doctor was surprised that I've been able to continue running as much as I have and that the pain isn't more debilitating. To a lesser degree, he was a bit surprised that I'm only experiencing pain in one leg. He believes a regimen of physical therapy can overcome the weakness.

So the plan is physical therapy with Danni (haven't met her yet) twice a weak. I start next Friday with an evaluation. Dr. Cianca said that I can continue running but I shouldn't go over 10 miles at a time. He also suggested that I rest one day before running again. He doesn't think running will slow the progress of the therapy. For now the therapy sessions are expected to last 4 weeks.

I'm hoping this is the beginning of the end of this problem!

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