Monday, June 2, 2008

Sluggish Start

2-3 miles : slow

3.01 mi. @ 9:08/mi.

5:21 AM 75° 89% 5 mph

Felt sluggish through most of the run this morning. It may have been a bad nutrition weekend. Yesterday being the first Sunday of the month, I took the opportunity for a 24-hour fast. Sometimes this ends up being a good physical purge. Other times it's draining. I think I ended up with the latter. Coming off the fast yesterday, I ate pretty "clean" but later in the evening I junked it up. I suspect that defeats any physical benefits of the fast.

I took today's run slow and didn't look at my watch much. I ended up about right where I wanted to be pace-wise. There will be time for fast runs later in the week and my body needs to be able to complete them.

By the end of the run, I was feeling much better than the first couple miles.

Clif bar, multivitamin & water

Oatmeal w/skim milk & water

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