Friday, May 1, 2009

Running 96

5 mi.@ 8:04

5.13 mi.@ 8:01

5:49 AM 73° 93% 5 mph

In a nod to the good ole college days, I thought I'd title this entry Running 101. I would then outline a couple basic running concepts that resurfaced in my mind while on today's run. However, I decided Running 101 is too advanced. It really should be Running 96 - the remedial version preceding Running 101.

First, I felt better today. Interesting I first noticed some improvement in my general running malaise yesterday. I even hit my objective pace today. So what's different about today than yesterday and the day before. Well, sometime ago I read from various sources that it takes longer to recover from race efforts than most people realize. I've thought about this before but, frankly, haven't given it much credence. Apparently this is more of a truism for "masters" runners (over 40 years old). Well, guess what folks? 1) I am over 40 years old; 2) I ran a hard, racing effort 6 days ago; 3) The race distance was 6.2 miles; and 4) Today is the sixth day since that race effort. Hmmmmmm .... Notice the symmetry in this. Does this mean I'm not really superhuman like I've imagined myself and that proper recovery really is an issue for runners in general and specifically for those training to optimize performance? What it means is I'm solidly within the bounds of normal and, yes, I need to recover properly from hard, race efforts AND hard training efforts.

Second, I have heard it suggested that a letter "grade" be assigned to each workout. Generally, if you hit your objectives or are slightly slower, you get an "A". If you are faster or longer, you get a "C". This is a penalty for over-doing it. If you're slower or shorter, you get a "B". This grading is a reflection of the importance of keeping each training run under control and positioning yourself for a good run the next time out.

Finally, with the recent rising temperatures and humidity, I've thought about the impact the heat index has on my running. While I'm not ready to admit my runs may be slowing due to the heat index (it's only May 1 ... and this is Houston ... for crying out loud!), it is a consideration as the heat index moves upward. There's an interesting running/heat index table at The Run Zone. Here's a link

That concludes today's remedial running thoughts. (Maybe I can remember them better as I move forward!)


water, multivitamin & Cream of Wheat w/brown sugar & 1% milk

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