Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Still Recovering

7 mi.@ 8:04

7.21 mi.@ 8:23

5:07 AM 73° 89% 12 mph

For some reason I'm still feeling pretty chewed up from Saturday's race. I took yesterday off and decided not to run the tempo that I was scheduled for today. My legs are heavy, my feet are still hurting a bit and my back seems to be having problems. I'll get this straightened out it's just going to take some time.

The power has been out at the house for a good portion of the last couple of days. The outage is very localized. We've had quite a bit of rain and there's been flooding in the area. There is a reason Houston is the Bayou City. Hmmmm ... what happens when you cover natural drainage with concrete, asphalt and steel. I'm not an engineer but I'm happy to "play" one on my blog ....


water, multivitamin & 5-grain hot cereal w/brown sugar & 1% milk


pcb said...

So happy to actually BE on the computer right now to comment! You aren't doing your exercises enough, that is my comment.

Cory said...

Nice. You just "outed" me to my entire blog readership (probably about 1 1/2 people).

No, people. I'm not doing my physical therapy twice a week as I supposed to! I'll do better.

Josh said...

What kind of exercises are you supposed to be doing? (and whyever are you not doing them?) Stay healthy!

Cory said...

I have a series of 7 exercises that I have to do 7 strengthening exercises to keep my IT band at bay. 3 of the movements use an exercise ball; 3 use an elastic band and 1 is free form.

There's not a good excuse for failing to do them. I only have to do them twice a week and the series only takes about 25 minutes. (They can be done while watching television.)

pcb said...

Thanks Josh, that is what Cory needs - questioning from someone he respects as a runner!

Cory said...

Oh, brother. Now the blog readers are banding against me. I'm no longer so sure about this social networking ....