Thursday, November 27, 2008

Dana Point Turkey Trot

41:56 *** new PR ***
age group: 8 of 189
men: 104 of 1494
overall: 123 of 3179

age group: no rank due to running in 5K rather than Masters 5K
men: 176 of 1116
overall: 214 of 2334

Met at Alex's house. Drove to Dana Point. Started together in a light rain. I expended a bunch of energy in the first mile weaving through traffic. By Mile 2 it was coming down really hard. I pressed on hoping to be able to hold the pace. Fortune smiled on me and I held up pretty steady to the end. I had a strong kick as I passed several over the last quarter mile.

Another PR in the books and another evidence that a 3:20 marathon is a possibility.

FRS & Carb-boom

water & Clif bar


Anonymous said...

Wow! Outstanding run Cory! That's an amazing time for a 10k. Well done. Steph.

Cory said...

Thank you for the comment and encouragement, Steph. Couldn't have done it without you and the team!

The race was run in a driving rain (starting to wonder if I'm the one bringing rain to races ... ???). I was focused and had a good day. My racing is improving as I get better conditioned and understand what my body is capable of.

Best of luck Saturday at SunMart!