Thursday, July 10, 2008

4 mi. SLOW

4.01 mi.@ 8:54/mi.

5:29 AM

Felt pretty good this morning. I was happy with my pace after yesterday's effort. I wore my new Mizuno Wave Rider 10's for the first time. This is my fourth pair. I think my oldest pair is due for retirement. I've only been using them on my shortest runs.

I had some discomfort above the inside of my right ankle. I first noticed it during the last half of yesterday's run. It doesn't seem like a big problem but I'll keep tabs on it. ... maybe it's due to running on old, worn out shoes ... ???

I was happy with the coincidental, near-perfect-symmetry of today's splits:


I wasn't worried but time or splits and didn't even look at my watch much. It seems good to have hit a comfortble and sustainable pace for today's run without really worrying about it.


water, multivitamin, Kashi GoLean cereal w/skim milk, & chocolate milk

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Hey Cory,
Sorry i didn't get back to you about the condo. You will have to remind me in a few months maybe the first of sept. For friends and family it's bonus time and they wont let me book it sooner then that.
Just call me or blog me which ever and remind me.
I hope all is well with you and your family.