Tuesday, July 8, 2008


5-7 mi. EZ (8:24-54/mi.)

6.13 mi.@ 9:04/mi.

5:06 AM

As much as the "Low Battery" problem with my Garmin has been annoying, the "Low Energy" problem I've experienced the past couple mornings has been frustrating. ... probably more so .... For whatever reason, I haven't been able to get out of second gear. I tried not to let it bother me today by reassuring myself that today is an easy run to set up tomorrow's "real" effort. Normally I'd keep pushing until I got myself into the right pace range but today I just "let it got". I suppose that really puts the pressure on me for tomorrow's run!

Later this morning, I met with Dani for physical therapy. It's hard for me to know if I'm making progress. She says that I am but it's slow. She mixes up the routines every time so I can't compare where I was to where I am now. I was much better on one leg balancing against resistance than I was last week. I doubt I could have improved that much in such a short time so I'm going to chalk it up to my being farther along the learning curve and better composed. Interestingly, I didn't notice any of this morning's "low energy" spilling over into my PT effort.

On the final exercise, she had me take 3 strides and land on a half ball and balance. It was very hard. I kept falling forward or to the side. She believes this is a big part of my problem ... deceleration. She said you're fine accelerating; you're plenty fast. But it's slowing down that you have a problem with and slowing down occurs on every stride at impact.

Aside from the concept she shared with me, which for now I'll assume is correct, I am now laughing out loud at the comment that I'm plenty fast. After spending me entire childhood and early adult years being too slow, now I'm "plenty fast". How can that be? Let me tie that in to a comment Tinman made on The Run Zone blog. After giving him my race times, he asked if I had made a mistake. When I told him no, he said there's a huge disparity in your 5K and 10K times. Your 10K should be much faster. Well, if I look at well the race equivalent charts or age-graded schedules, my 5K is fast and everything else is much slower but generally in line with each other. So am I really too fast. No, as enticing as it is for me to accept the label, I can't because it's not true. I'm relatively fast or I'm fast for a long distance runner ... maybe. The only thing this is leaving me wondering is this - Is my best race the 5K ... ??? No time to find out now. Maybe that will be 2009's quest.

water & very small brownie

SlimFast & multivitamin
Later, water, English muffin, poached egg, & Canadian bacon

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