Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Got it In

4-6 mi. EZ (8:24-54/mi.)

6.20 mi. @ 8:45/mi.

5:16 AM 75° 91% 1 mph

Before getting out of bed this morning, I thought today's run would be 5 miles. During much of the first two miles I figured I'd turn around to make it 5. I know an additional mile isn't a big deal either way but this morning it seemed like it was! I passed the 5 mile turn around and just reminded myself to take it easy and finish. Even with the slow pace, I felt like I was working.

Last night, I sat down on the around 8:30. The next thing I knew I woke up and it was 1:30 AM! Falling asleep while relaxing in the evening isn't unusual but not waking up sooner is.

This reminds me. I haven't blogged about my visit to the physical therapist last Friday. She "evaluated" me similar to what Dr. Cianca did a week earlier. She arrived at the same diagnosis and expanded on it. She said I'm suffering from extreme muscle fatigue, my workouts are too hard, I shouldn't be attempting 3 marathons in a year, ... among other things. Of course, none of this is what I wanted to hear and it made me mad. We start therapy in a couple weeks when she's back from vacation (another frustration). I haven't decided if I'm going to follow her advice and scale back my workouts.

So this morning I was thinking about this while running. I do feel tired. You know that if you follow my blog. Another thing that really struck me was a comment I recall making to Jonathan leading up to the Ogden marathon. I said that I just wanted to feel "strong" on the starting line and that I really couldn't remember the last time I felt strong. I still feel that way so maybe there's something to this muscle fatigue diagnosis. My problem is that I want redemption for my Ogden performance when I run St. George. But if I'm dealing with this fatigue thing ... maybe that's going to be too much to hope for.

apple juice

SlimFast, multivitamin & oatmeal w/skim milk

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