Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Another Good Run

3 mi : no pace

3.01 mi @ 8:03/mi. (24:15)

5:04 AM 52° 89% 1 mph

Everything felt good today. My legs were feeling "heavy" yesterday after but it was the "good" heavy. Don't know how to explain it other than it feels like my fitness is returning.

I picked up a book by Lance Armstrong's trainer - Chris Carmichael. It's called Food for Fitness: Eat Right to Train Right. I'm looking forward to getting into this one. It's 414 pages and seems very detailed. The overall concept appears to be based on periodization which follows an endurance athlete's training cycle periodization.

Clif bar & water

SlimFast & multivitamin
Later, cracked wheat w/ brown sugar & skim milk


Jonathan said...

Let me know about the book you're reading. I recently read "Duel in the Sun" and am currently reading "Lore of Running" -- both of which I highly recommend.

Cory said...

Thanks for the recommendations. I'm putting them on my reading list. However, I will caution that Paige complains that I'm frustratingly slow in my reading. Usually the only time I read is on the bus which is only about half the time these days.