Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Evening Tour of Rice & Hermann Park with Jonathan

Working with today's scheduling challenge - Cameron's band concert at Rice University - Jonathan Bennett was kind enough to meet me at 8pm and escort me around the Rice campus and Hermann Park for an 8.2 mile run. We covered it in 1:17 for a 9:25/mile average. This was slightly slower than I had hoped for but well within the McMillan prescribed training range.

Jonathan was great as he lives nearby and was familiar with the area. He had also plotted the course using his Garmin GPS. It was nice to have someone to talk to and provide encouragement. Our fastest mile was 9:07 and our slowest was 9:48. This was a much tighter range than I had last week running on my own so I was happy with the effort.

Tomorrow will be a well-deserved rest day as I travel to Chicago for work.

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