Friday, May 4, 2007

Easy Run

With travel back from Chicago, a long work day (after getting back to the office), and heavy rains, I skipped last night's running. I hate doing that because I'm fearful that it effectively wastes prior training sessions. I doubt that is actually true but that's how I view it mentally.

So this morning I was up at 5 and out for an e-a-s-y 1.7 miles around the neighborhood. It felt good to stretch out. My pace was at an 8:47 mile. I didn't want to get crazy and push a long tempo run or intervals this morning since the Cinco de Mayo 5K is tomorrow and I'd really like to PR. Joe has assured me the course is flat and fast with no rhythm-breaking turns so I'm looking for a very strong effort tomorrow.

I'll be focusing on carbohydrate and water intake today and I'll do a "half-mile" blast tonight to get ready. I can already feel this one's going to be more difficult than usual to control the adrenaline. I'm already getting too amped and it's still 24 hours away!

adrenaline [(uh-dren-l-in)]
hormone secreted by the adrenal glands that helps the body meet physical or emotional stress.

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