Thursday, April 16, 2009

Too Fast to be Easy

6 mi.@ 8:09

6.10 mi.@ 8:01

6:10 AM 57° 94% 5 mph

Strange run this morning. Started slow and felt like it was going to stay that way but somehow started flying over the last half without really noticing it. This isn't what's supposed to happen on an "easy" run.

I'm becoming more of a subscriber to the Kenyan way in that they supposedly always start their runs slowly. So slow in fact that they're barely shuffling along. This is how most of my long runs start. I used to think it was a problem but have since convinced myself, "if it's good enough for the Kenyans, it's definitely good enough for me." So over the last couple of months I've found my warm up distance is somewhere around 2 miles. A two-mile warm up ... ??? ... that seems weird ....

Another strange thing is the Wimbledon Forest Out-&-Back route I've been running lately for my 6-milers. I used to despise this route but now I prefer it over the Wimbledon Forest Loop that takes me along the LONG straightaway that is Cypresswood Drive.

water & Cream of Wheat w/brown sugar & 1% milk

water, multivitamin & oatmeal w/1% milk

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