Monday, April 6, 2009

Follow-up to a "Miserable" Evening

6 mi.@ 8:09/mi.

6.12 mi.@ 7:56/mi.

7:08 AM 47° 52% 9 mph

I got a late start this morning due to an evening at the theater last night. I went to Les Miserables with Paige and Cameron. My review: good show; deep multiple meanings; unbelievably talented actors.

Traffic patterns are much different at 7 AM than they are at 5 AM. To stay off Cypresswood at commuting time, I went out-and-back on the first half of the Wimbledon Forest Loop. I felt pretty good. My pace was faster than I wanted. I’ll work to pull it back tomorrow. It was cool when I started. So much so that I wore tights, gloves and hat. Of course, this led to being too hot a little over midway through the run.

Weight = 161
Cream of Wheat w/brown sugar & 1% milk

Water, multivitamin, 5-grain hot cereal w/brown sugar & 1% milk


pcb said...

I don't understand your title - it was a miserable evening?

Cory said...

It's a joke, Beatrice. A play on words.

pcb said...

I got the play on words genius - normally one would concede the "true" attitude after the joke, which you never did.