Friday, April 24, 2009

Non-running Thoughts

I've been thinking about the current technology age we live in. Does it lead to attention deficit disorder? Is multitasking really a myth? How is it possible to focus on two things at once? Grammar, capitalization, and other "rules" have lost meaning in this age of texting, Twittering, and other immediate, short communication forms.

With this background, consider the legend that says Ernest Hemingway was once challenged to write a story in only six words. His response? “For sale: baby shoes, never worn.”

Obviously there's a reason Hemingway was Hemingway!

I must be thinking about this a lot because I woke up with the following six-word story in my head: "Gardening and life = weeding and feeding." Not quite Hemingway-esque, I know. I have also taken liberty by using the equal sign.

I think I'll try a six-word race report after tomorrow's effort.


Becky A said...

Do you Twitter? Twittering has been a hot topic in the fam. lately...

Cory said...

No twittering for me. I suppose it's kind of like micro-blogging.

Brandon said...

Good luck tomorrow.

Cory said...

Thanks, Brandon.

I hope you have a good run on the BIG one tomorrow.

pcb said...

Deep thoughts!