Thursday, December 11, 2008


It snowed here Wednesday afternoon and evening. This is only the second snowfall I've witnessed since being in the Houston area since 1999.

The other rare occurrence is that I missed work due to illness (part of the day Tuesday and again part of Wednesday). I think it's just a cold but it's really been kicking my butt. I've had no strength and felt really worn down. Needless to say this preempted my Big Workout on Wednesday (Paige questioned if I was really just avoiding the run since she knows I dread "the Wednesday run" more than any other during the week.) and my Thursday recovery run.

Getting sick has me wondering about my nutrition again. Ever since the marathon in October, I've been fairly sloppy with my eating. For a few weeks it was anything goes. Over the past 5-6 weeks, I've "thought" about it and been kind of careful but have lacked overall discipline. I've justified it by thinking I can get back to it "when I need to". The other issue making it difficult right now is that we're trying to bulk Cameron up for the upcoming baseball season. He drops so much weight while running cross country. It's better for him to carry more weight for baseball. So there's been a ton of food available at the house - with the primary focus on mass calories rather than overall quality. His weight is coming up so that's good for him. Unfortunately, I think Paige and I are following his lead!

Hope to be feeling better and running again soon. I hate losing the days and having to log "zeros". It makes me feel like the prior training is a loss and wasted if I don't stay on plan.


pcb said...

Hey - speak for yourself! I haven't gained any.

Cory said...

Good job. I knew I could find out how you were doing by writing an accusatory blog entry.