Tuesday, September 23, 2008

No More Strides

7 mi. Slow

7.10 mi.@ 8:52/mi.

5:34 AM 70° 87% 4 mph

I didn't get my scheduled 3 miler last night. My excuses are twofold: First, I got home from work after 8 pm. Second, my left IT band wasn't feeling too good. Let me take a moment to comment on each.

First, power is still out to a little over half the city. Houston is the nation's fourth largest city. The outage extends throughout Harris and adjoining counties. Most people started back to work this week. Houston traffic can be challenging under the best circumstances. With the power out, many traffic signal lights are out. Everyone knows the rule, right? Treat as a four-way stop. Most people are handling this situation correctly. But the result of the lights being out and everyone back to work is a nightmarish traffic situation. My commute into the office yesterday took 80 minutes. Going home at about 7 pm resulted in about the same commute time. Now I thought I was smart and chose to ride the bus. It has a dedicated lane. Someone who understands queuing theory better than I needs to explain to me how traffic lights that are out on surface streets cause gridlock on the freeways where no traffic lights exist ... ??? I don't get it.

As for my IT band, I think it's the strides that I introduced 9 days ago. The concept is that strides help clean up bad running form. Following a training regimen that I loosely adopted, I planned to introduce speed and strides over the last couple weeks of tapering leading to the marathon. I have felt pretty good running the strides and they're short enough that I can really "open up the throttle" without going into full oxygen deficit. But I'm convinced they're the source of my IT band issues that started gently hinting to me last week something was going on. Maybe I'm over-striding during the strides. Whatever the case, strides are now being eliminated from my routine. I can't be aggravating the weakest link in my running biomechanics (i.e., left IT band) right before the marathon. There will be plenty of time to experiment with strides after the marathon. At this point it's all about getting to the starting line healthy.

weight = 158
Clif bar & water

SlimFast, water, multivitamin, oatmeal w/brown sugar & 1% milk

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