Monday, June 23, 2008

A Little Sore

4 mi. SLOW

4.02 mi.@8:57/mi.

5:18 AM 70F 88% 0 mph

After yesterday's off day, I was disappointed that my legs were a little sore this morning and my left IT band was slightly achy. I suspect those are the effects of Saturday's run AND not getting proper rest over the weekend. I ended up working at the house last night until 1:30 AM. Two calls at home from the CFO over the weekend will do that! Hopefully this equity offering goes out in a couple days then I can focus on other things.

I decided to hold this week's running constant while figuring out what's in store for me at physical therapy. My first "real" therapy day is tomorrow then I'm back in on Thursday. I would love it if Dani reveals the "holy grail" to me. Unfortunately, I'm doubtful it will be that easy.

Six miles tomorrow at an easy pace. Today's forecast is for temperatures close to 100 and high humidity. In contrast, this morning's run was quite pleasant ... a little cooler than usual.


oatmeal w/skim milk, water & multivitamin


Tiffany said...

Wow! Cory your still at it. Just checking in. I hope physical therapy works. Good luck!

Cory said...

Hey Tiffany -

Thanks for checking in and for the note.

Yes, I'm still trying to get faster but I've got an injury issue that's giving me problems. I had a really bad day at the Ogden marathon. Around 18 miles, my knee got really bad. I managed 4 more miles running but ended up walking the last 4.

My next race is the St. George marathon in October. Hope to have all my issues cleared up and a good training cycle. I want to redeem myself for Ogden!

Hope everything's okay at your house and that everyone is having a great summer.
