Saturday, December 29, 2007

Decent Run Over the Snow

7 miles : no pace

5.24 miles : 46:00 = (8:47 min/mile)

12:46 PM 28° 69% 16 mph

I had very limited time today due to family commitments but was able to work in a pretty good run. Although shorter than I would have liked .... I felt pretty good. I think the biking and lifting yesterday must have "loosened" me up. My legs were markedly improved over how they felt yesterday.

I think the pounding coming down the Adams hill on Wednesday really took a toll on my legs so I decided to run along an old road that kept me in the valley. It was a nice route but about 1.5 miles into it, I found unplowed roads with hard-packed snow and ice. This slowed my pace but that was okay since I wasn't worried about pace today ... just needed some miles.

My sleep and nutrition have not been good while I've been in Utah.

Also, while running it occurred to me that if/when I run the Houston marathon, I should not come to Utah over Christmas that year. Being here takes me out of "training mode" and would probably leave me ill-prepared to run a marathon a couple of weeks later.

Ginger snaps & water

SlimFast & water
Later, pizza.

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