Saturday, September 10, 2011


This is pretty much right where I wanted it to be. Felt good on the cardio side. Muscles were a little fatigued but not a problem. Took the Lakefront Trail further north than ever; clear to the northern end. From there went over a couple blocks to our new place. Can envision a "running commute" home from work once we're settled in. Which should I choose - 35 minute door-to-door commute by train or bus and accomplish ... nothing OR 75 minute running commute and get my workout in while turning myself into a running machine? It's good to have goals, right?

Had a headache pretty much the whole run back today. My sinus cold is still lingering so I think it was that and/or dehydration as yesterday wasn't a good day with food and drink intake and timing.

Sent from my BlackBerry

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