Saturday, July 16, 2011

10 mi.

10.85 mi.@ 8:23

6:09 AM 81° 81% 3 mph (heat index=87°)

Ran with my old training group. It's been several weeks since I've seen any of them. Stacey was back visiting from Alaska so it was very nice to see her. She seems to be doing well and is training for the Twin Cities marathon. This morning's heat and humidity didn't settle too well with her since she's been training in the comfortable summer temperatures of Alaska.

I wasn't sure what to expect this morning after essentially being off the past two weeks.

It went okay running-wise and was great to catch up with my running friends: Augie, Shellie, Stacey, Adam (Stacey's friend), Josh, Randy, William.

pre run
Resting pulse=54 bpm
O2 saturation=97%
water & oatmeal w/1% milk

post run
strawberry-banana smoothies & egg mcmuffin

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