Monday, September 15, 2008

I Don't Like Ike!

Just a quick note for those checking the blog to see how Hurricane Ike treated us.

We're okay. The storm was bad. Knocked down a couple trees and fence in the yard. We're still without power. Relatively speaking we came out of this one just fine.

The perspective of being in a disaster area is rather strange. There's obviously a bunch of stuff that's messed up around the area but you just do what you need to to get by.

I'll catch up with the blog again once power's restored.


Anonymous said...

I'm glad everything is going pretty good, considering the circumstances. I was wondering if you guys were staying afloat. I have a question for you: is your blog mainly for your journaling or is it for others inspiration? I feel somewhat inspired, but got lost in all the numbers. I can't run but walk and do weight training. I stumbled across your blog looking for information on training. Just wondering - what does your family think about all this training?

Anonymous said...

Regarding your "aches" a friend of mine got me on to some great stuff. It's Magnesium Oil. I ordered mine from the Internet and it's great stuff! You rub it on where you are hurting and put some on the bottoms of your feet. There's a lot of info on it - worth the research!

Shaury said...

I'm glad you guys are all ok. Sounds like it's been an eventful few days for you all. Good luck with the cleanup!

Cory said...

Anonymous - My blog is just a training log for me. It helps me keep track of things. Like last week when I was sick, I searched back in the blog and found that I was dealing with similar symptoms back in February. I was able to determine where I was at in my training cycle and what I was eating. It also reminded me of some other things going on at the time. From this, I was able to better theorize what was going on with my body.

I also like being able to compare my training this year against last. I know what the ultimate result of last year's training was. Therefore, I can use it as a yardstick in setting my expectations for this year's race.

I doubt my blog has much inspirational value. I complain a lot about injuries, not hitting my times, struggles with training, etc.

I do occasionally throw in an observation that I think readers may find useful or humorous. I don't know that I have any regular readers but I do think my running friends and family members pull up my page occasionally to see what I'm up to.

I'm a quantitative person. So if you're reading my blog, you should plan on seeing numbers. That's how I'm able to compare performance from one outing to the next.

Keep up with the weight training and walking. They are two of the best exercises known.

Finally, you'll notice most of my running is done early in the mornings. It's a cooler time to run here during the Houston summers and it segregates running from my other life responsibilities.

Cory said...

Anon -

I haven't heard of magnesium oil. Thank you for the lead. I'll check into it.

Cory said...

Shaury -

Thanks. Our power is still out and it seems it will be for some time. Being without power certainly has changed my approach to many things!