Monday, August 25, 2008

Uneventful Stretching of the Legs

3 - 4 mi. Slow

4.02 mi.@ 8:56/mi.

4:56 AM 75F 83% 5 mph

Just stretched out over the Stuebner-Airline Loop this morning. Got decent sleep last night. Hopefully that continues with the regularity of school starting today and the Olympics wrapping up.

The men's Olympic marathon was absolutely unbelievable! A group of about 12 blistered the first 10K at under 30 minutes. The conditions weren't right for such an insane pace. But as the group became 10 then 7 then 4, they held the pace. Ultimately a 21-year Kenyan pulled away with a couple miles to go. He looked STRONG and finished strong with an Olympic record.

US runners made good solid efforts but never ran with the leaders. Dathan Ritzenheim took 9th, Ryan Hall 10th, and Brian Sell 22nd.

While watching, I realized that broadcasting a marathon must be a logistical nightmare. The cameras rightfully stayed with the lead pack. But that only left me wondering what was going on with the guys further back. I also wondered about the fate of the runners who started with the leaders but faded. Did they finish? Did they need medical attention (as the commentators kept suggesting early on)? So many unanswered questions?

water & 1 macadamia nut chocolate

water, multivitamin, oatmeal w/flax, cinnamon, brown sugar & skim milk

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