Thursday, August 28, 2008

Change of Plan

3 - 4 mi. Slow

6.17 mi.@ 8:41/mi.

4:49 AM 73F 96% 0 mph

Legs felt fine today. This was a good thing following yesterday's intervals and my lethargy late in the day. The way I was feeling also led me to a self-debate about going a little farther than planned. Over the first mile, I debated the merits of flipping today's scheduled run for tomorrow's. Shortly before reaching the turnaround for 4 miles, I decided I'd go for 6. I was feeling fine and figured my legs might deal with Saturday's 20-miler better if Friday's run was 4 rather than 6 (ultimately probably not a big deal). In addition, Nike's "Human Race" 10K is Sunday which I am considering. Monday is Labor Day which I would like to run some. All of this leads to less rest than I'm used to so I figured front-loading a couple miles wasn't a bad idea.

I was up early ... couldn't sleep. Stressed about work, I suppose.

Last night after work, I planned to catch a "training run" for the Nike race. I had scant details ... only start time and location. Long story short - I missed the group by 2 minutes, found out they were going for 5K, got back in my car and drove home. Ahhhh, the joys of living in the 4th largest city in the US. You never really know exactly how long it will take to get somewhere. However, it wasn't a total loss. I got information about the race.

weight = 160#
1 chocolate macadamia nut & water

chocolate milk, multivitamin, oatmeal w/flax, brown sugar & skim milk

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