Monday, May 5, 2008


5 mi. @ 8:15

5.85 mi. @ 8:17

7:32 PM 70° 78% 6 mph

This was a strange run. I was real sluggish at the start and stayed that way for about 2 1/2 miles. From that point, I loosened up and found some rhythm. My legs seemed sore but the knee wasn't uncomfortable. I could tell it wasn't 100% but it wasn't a factor.

My weekend nutrition and sleep weren't that great so I attribute my sluggishness to Cinco de Mayo (i.e., too much Mexican food!).

2 doughnuts

water, 2 hamburgers, & 2 chocolate milk


Shaury said...

I'm no expert, but the 2 doughnuts prerun may have also contributed to the sluggishness.:) Keep it up! Hope the knee takes a miraculous turn for the best. See ya soon.

Cory said...

I think I got the idea that doughnuts would be good pre-run nutrition from an episode of The Simpsons ...!

Ironically, it was the doughnuts that made me run on Monday. I had planned to run in the morning but it was raining and I just didn't feel like it. So I rolled over for some restless tossing and turning before heading off to work.

Work devolved into a Cinco de Mayo gorge-fest. There was a ton of food. I stayed strong ... sticking to the relatively healthy fajitas for most of the day. But late in the afternoon, I fell for the sopapilla cheesecake. Having turned to the darkside, it was easily justified later that a doughnut wouldn't hurt ... then another.

So of course by the time I was leaving work, I didn't feel so great. The rain had stopped. I called home to see if anyting was going on; there wasn't.

I decided that I would drive by Memorial Park to see if it was under water from the rain. It wasn't. So as punishment for my eating indiscretions, I went for a run.

The math suggests that I burned around 780 calories ... probably not the full 2 doughnuts and sopapilla cheesecake that I ate today!

See you next week!