Thursday, May 8, 2008

3 Mile Tempo Run on Faulkey Gully

3 mi. tempo @ 6:53/mi. 5 mi. total w/WU & CD

WU 1.07 @ 9:20/mi.
3.02 @ 6:50/mi. (6:51/6:49/6:52/0:08)
CD 1.48 @ 9:27

6:34 AM 71° 86% 5 mph

This run was on the schedule for yesterday but it didn't happen which I believe may have worked out for the best.

I finally went for a massage yesterday. I had the RMT work deep tissue on my legs and feet focusing on the IT band area. I must say that there were times when it hurt so bad that I wanted to scream but instead just grit my teeth telling myself that it was for the best and that I'd feel better later. I was right. I did feel much better the rest of the day. In fact, my legs felt better than they have in a long time. I scheduled another session for next Thursday (the day before leaving for Ogden) and may get another one early in the week. Who knows why I waited so long to do this!

Today's run started late due to a later-than-planned evening last night. Long story; short - I ended up playing basketball until about 9:30 then came home to watch the Jazz-Lakers game. I only stayed awake for the first quarter. After dropping Cameron off for his early morning, before-school activities, I usually just head to work. Today I dressed to run, dropped him off then drove a couple miles to the trail along Faulkey Gully. The gully trail isn't new. Whenever I run from the YMCA, I catch it two miles in to my run. I figured since I was running later commuter traffic would be bad and I didn't want to be on a road. The gully trail is a two-mile pavement trail with a few bends along the way.

I took an easy mile warm up. I didn't feel particularly good or bad. I did introduce a figure 4 stretch to my pre run routine that a woman at the RMT office showed me for ITB. It really hits the glutes. I did notice a general looseness in my legs during the warm up.

I took a very short break at the top of the trail. The tempo run called for 6:53 miles. I wondered if I could maintain it. A guy walked by with his dog and off I went. As usual, I started way too fast. After a quarter mile, I was easing slightly to get back to 6:51 for the first mile. I figured the fast start may have doomed Miles 2 and 3 for me.

My legs generally felt good. Early in Mile 2 the trail dips under a bridge for Louetta Road. I remembered Jonathan's encouragement to keep my knees down a couple weeks ago when we were running League Line Road. The downhill was too short to be a true test of downhill technique but I tried to keep the momentum on the corresponding uphill side. I passed a few walkers and runners along the way. It was a very nice morning. At the end of the trail, I made the turn. I was a bit slow for Mile 2 so I picked it up. After hitting 6:49 for Mile 2, I started Mile 3.

I was getting a bit tired but focused on breathing and form over much of Mile 3. I tried to "lean forward from my ankles" and to put slightly more energy "into the ground". I felt good. My legs were fine. I thought I should feel worse than I did. ... I don't know .... It was strange. My mind was telling me that I wouldn't be able to sustain the pace due to my overzealous start. Mile 3 came in at 6:52.

This was a good run for me. I took an easy cool down then stretched really good including the newly introduced figure 4 on the hood of my car. I drove home, got ready for work, and arrived in the office much later than I should have.

Kashi GoLean cereal w/skim milk, water & 2 FRS chews

Later, 5-grain oatmeal w/skim milk, water & multivitamin

Future blog topic reminders

No more negative thoughts for marathon.
Time goal & course strategy/study
Which running team?

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