Wednesday, May 14, 2008


3 mi. Tempo run @ 6:53/mi.


WU 0.97 mi.
3.01 mi. @ 7:11/mi. [6:55, 7:26, 7:12]
CD 1.03 mi.

7:12 AM 75° 89% 1 mph

The good news is that my legs felt fine. The bad news is that I was slow and laboring. At this point, I'd like to feel strong and powerful. The marathon is 3 days away and I've been tapering. I hoped that I would feel fresh but it wasn't the case. Maybe it was the humidity ... ?

It rained last night and the morning air was heavy. I drove to Faulkey Gully after dropping Cameron off late. Rather than park in the mud just off Louetta, I drove to a neighborhood swimming pool and crossed the bridge over to the trail.

1 mile warmup took me to the end of the trail where I started the tempo. Slightly slower than target over the first mile. Working hard. Wasn't able to hold pace over Mile 2. Made the turn back and continued to slow over last mile. Walked about 1/2 mile then cooled down over 1 mile. Thorough stretch back at the car.

Kashi GoLean cereal w/skim milk

Later, oatmeal w/skim milk, multivitamin & water


Tiffany said...

Hey Cory,

Amy is running the 1/2 She's running a 8.46 minute mile and is up to about 10 miles a day. She's a little worried this week Brady took her to Lake Powell on a business trip. So she hasn't been running. I'm sure she'll be fine.
we'll see you soon.

Cory said...

Holy cow! If Amy's running 10 miles a day, she should be doing the full marathon ... not the half!

These last few days not running will most likely help her. Some experts say it's good to "taper" for big race events. Her legs should feel very fresh and ready to roll Saturday morning.

Like you, I believe she'll be just fine.

(Ten miles a day ... now I'm feeling bad!)