Saturday, August 18, 2007

16 Miler

I had a pretty good run going this morning with Stephanie's group. We started with six - Stephanie, Randy, Josh, Miranda, Chris, and me - from the pool at Memorial Park. We took a new route which seems to be beneficial for me - new scenery ... or at least scenery in a different order.

The group was scheduled for 20 miles but my training plan had me for 16. Chris broke back early to finish at 10 miles.

Through 14 miles, my mile splits were in a very nice range 8:48 - 9:12. This is about where I should have been given the temperature and humidity. Miles 15 and 16 just dropped off. It was like I hit the wall but, oddly it wasn't really physical (general fatigue, yes. "I'm going to die if I don't stop soon.", no), it was mental. I think I preprogrammed my mind to go 16 miles and it was just coasting in for the finish. It was strange.

The route left me about 1.5 miles from the starting point when I finished my 16 miles so I walked it in from there. It wasn't too bad and may have served as a good cool down.

Today's fueling:
1 hour pre-run: 3/4 c oatmeal w/skim milk
Accerlade - 21 oz. orange
Clif Shot Bloks - 2 Black Cherry w/caffeine
Clif Shot Energy Gel - 1 @ 32g Razz

I don't have my fueling down properly yet and with only 6 Saturdays left (including taper), I need to track more closely what's working best for me.

16 miles @ 9:05 (2:25:22)

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