Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Track Workout / Punishment

Work conspired against my speed workout last night. On top of that we received a call from Cameron's High Adventure camp that he was in the emergency room. He hadn't left home more than 16 hours earlier! To make a very long story short ... he's going to be fine as far as we can tell. Information is difficult to get but it sounds like he has a scratched cornea and bruised pride.

So I ran the speed workout tonight at Klein High.


4 x 800 (3:26) - 400 (1:43) with 2 minute active recovery between
cool down


warmup 1 mile
3:21 1:30
3:24 1:35
3:15 1:33
3:10 1:29
cool down 1 mile

My interval times were all over the place but I was happy to keep everything under my target times and run negative splits for the most part. I was stuck pretty close to only 2 minute recoveries ... after a very brief walk or water break, I jogged the rest of the time. It was a good workout. Now that it's over I'm questioning the target times. I used the VDOT times calculated off my April 28 5K PR of 21:59. It seems like running the VDOT times should push the limits more than I'm feeling ... now that it's over. Of course while I was on the track, it felt like I was giving it all I had!

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