Monday, November 15, 2010

12x400m @ 94 seconds w/400m active recoveries

WU 1.76 mi.
dynamic stretch
11x400m [92/92/92/91/90/91/92/91/89/92/86]
CD 1.58 mi.

5:50 AM 52° 90% 2 mph

The track at Klein High was still wet from yesterday's rain. The high humidity made the morning air feel cooler than the thermometer was registering. I haven't done any speed work since before the St. George marathon - six weeks ago. I decided I'd reintroduce myself to the track with 12x400 meters. I cranked down my goal pace to something faster than what I believe my current lactate threshold is. I figured this would be a good way to test where my fitness is at generally. It should also give me a good baseline to work from during future track workouts.

The first couple repeats felt easy. But of course became progressively harder. My recovery 400's were getting slower as the workout progressed. Somehow I lost count of the repeats and ended up only doing 11 instead of 12. I'm not sure how or when that happened. I didn't realize it until I was back home and uploaded the workout.

I'm happy with how this one went. My times were tightly grouped even though I was feeling slower and slower over the later repeats. Maybe next time I can actually get the full workout in!

I noticed something in on of my training logs that suggests I've done this workout before. This surprised me since I don't recall ever doing this one. I need to go back and see when I did it and how today's effort compares.

Kashi GoLean cereal w/skim milk

[During workout, drink 20 oz. diet lime FRS powdered drink mix]

SlimFast, multivitamin & glutamine

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