Friday, February 12, 2010

60 min. water running


10 min. WU
1-2-3-4-5-5-4-3-2-1 min. hard w/1 min.easy
10 min. CD

Thoughts ...

I'm sure these water running workouts are better than staying in bed but not as good as a road running workout. Trouble is that I have no idea where they fall on the spectrum. Is it the equivalent of taking a walk around the block? Or more like a good "base run". I have no idea! And that's frustrating.

Each morning last week upon waking my calf was noticeably improved over the previous day. That progression seems to have slowed dramatically this week. I may be sitting on a healing plateau, if there is such a thing.

It's not time yet but probably just around the corner for me to consider revising my goals for Boston. After missing tomorrow's long run, I will have lost 6 key workouts right in the heart of my training. This can only hurt my performance on race day.

1 comment:

Josh said...

I would equate the water workouts to runs at "base pace". You should also think of it as adding a strength training element, since you're working lots of unusual stabilizing muscles. You're not going to gain speed doing these, but you can reinforce your endurance, and you aren't necessarily losing speed, either. Regardless of the proximity of Boston, do be sure to heal up before you throw yourself back out on the road- nothing's more frustrating than having to restart the healing process, and if you're not careful, you could find yourself doing it over and over and over. So... great discipline in keeping up the pool running! May you emerge healthy and strong!