Saturday, October 18, 2008

Beautiful Morning

12 - 13 mi. Easy

12.43 mi.@ 8:20/mi. (Garmin went a bit haywire for about 10 minutes while we were downtown. Probably caused time and distance to be off ~5-8%.)

6:09 AM 59° 85% 3 mph

It was a really nice morning. As is usually the case, it was good to get back together with the group. This morning's version consisted of: Laurie, Stephanie, Stuart, Josh, Randy, Jonathan and me.

The course took us from Memorial Park along the bayou to the George R. Brown Convention Center then back along the opposite side of the bayou before taking a loop around the park. It was still dark going out along the bayou and there was still hurricane/flooding debris around so that was a bit treacherous. Thankfully, everyone made it through without incident.

I was sluggish. I ate way too much, way too late last night as I was entertaining a consultant who was in town for a couple Continental events. Fortunately, a couple coworkers joined me. The food was good and the conversation okay. But it took me off my game a bit for today's run ... I think.

I also think we're generally running our recovery runs too fast. Just like last Saturday our pace was a bit faster than necessary. But the weather is good and everyone seems to be feeling okay. Although it's overtly acknowledged that we're all still "recovering".

The though occurred to me that this is about the time my ITB first gave me a problem last year. I need to be cautious right now as I suspect I'm ripe for an injury.

water, GrapeNuts w/1% milk

Later, water & RockitFuel w/cinnamon sugar & 1% milk


KCWoodhead said...

Be careful - they certainly don't know the definition of "recovery" and are way too manly to take it easy...don't get killed with them!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, I've been checking in on your blog now and then (I'm Travis Poll's wife). Great job in St. George! I'm a hit and miss runner lately, but longing to get back in to it seriously. Reading your blog has been inspiring!

Cory said...
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Cory said...

Kathleen -
You know them all too well! It may just be that I'm the "old guy" in the group.

I've found that I can't rush my recovery. I learned that the hard way last November after St. George.

I took a different, more paced approach in May after I ran the Ogden marathon and found it worked much better for me.

I'll still be "taking it easy" through the end of next week then it will be time to decide what my next big effort is going to be.

Thank you again for the heads up. I hope your recovery is going well.

Cory said...


Hey, thanks for the hit and the STG congrats!

I'm shocked that I could be the slightest bit inspiring to anyone! I'm usually just griping on my blog about injuries, the weather, work, or something else. The whole blog thing is really just therapy for me. I honestly don't expect it to get read by others.

Hopefully Travis is doing okay. My family keeps us up-to-date and I bounce in to your blog occassionally. Now that's a "real" inspiration!

I hope you're able to get into a good running routine. For me that's been the key to making it work for me. Once I've got the routine going, I just don't want to break it.

Take care and please tell Travis "hello" for me. Travis and Steven are my heroes because they have jobs that I always wanted!