Friday, August 8, 2008

8 on 8/8/08

6 - 8 mi. Easy (8:24-54/mi.)

~8.00 mi.@ ~8:56/mi.

~6:30 AM 77° 93% 0 mph

My trusty Garmin has worked so well lately .... Apparently today was time for it to pull the "Low Battery" routine on me. Very frustrating. I know it was fully charged after yesterday's run and I'm relatively certain the sequence I followed when disengaging from my desktop at home was the same as usual .... That left me with my IronMan. This wasn't too big of a problem since I was running from the YMCA for 8 miles. I generally know where the mile intervals along the way are.

I was slow to get going. My legs felt a tight but loosened up shortly after I was underway. I got a late start because I slept in until 5:40 AM. I usually don't bother with an alarm during the week figuring that's the best way to get the rest my body needs. After the past couple weeks of inconsistent morning starting times I've been waking up at different times. Prior to that I was pretty much waking up at 5 every morning.

It was humid again today. By the time I was finished, my shoes were sloshing with sweat. Jonathan has come up with the concept of "rain gutters" for runners' feet to keep the sweat from filling up their shoes. I could have used them today!

Overall I felt fine today. My cardio seems solid and with the exception of a few niggling issues my body is okay too.

I've decided not to go to Utah for tomorrow's 10K. This is a disappointment because I wanted to defend my age group title from last year. I also really wanted a race to assess my fitness. I haven't raced in a long time now. But I was going to have to go on a 9:30 PM flight and get in very late then turn around for a 7 AM race start in the morning. It just didn't make sense. I've also got some work issues that most likely will require my attention over the weekend. So I'm going to miss the race. GOOD LUCK TO THE BIGFOOT FARMS RACING TEAM TOMORROW!

As for me, I'll be heading out for a long one in the morning. Stephanie is in town and has put together a 17-mile route from Memorial Park around Rice University and back to the Park. I hope to hold up better than I did last week and add a bit of a pickup at the end.

GrapeNuts w/skim milk

Later, water, multivitamin, oatmeal w/brown sugar & skim milk


XC/T&F said...

Hey, is this the same Cory Birt that ran at Clearfield in the 80's? I googled "Rich Bouchard 10k" to get some info about the race tomorrow and this blog came up. If this is "the" Cory Birt, let me know.

The OLD Coach Buhrley

Cory said...

Hey Coach Buhrley,

You've got it right ... it's me ... Cory Birt, Clearfield High Class of 1984.

It's great to hear from you! I'm guessing that you were looking up the Rich Bouchard 10K to take your school team. If that's the case, I'm disappointed that I wasn't there to see you. I had a few things keeping me here in Texas and wasn't able to make it to Utah for that one.

Running-wise not much has changed for me since my days at CHS. ... I'm still struggling to keep up with the "middle of the pack". But I did run my first marathon in St. George last year. I ran the Ogden Marathon this May but had an injury around Mile 18 and ended up walking it in from Mile 22. I'll be in St. George again this year. Hopefully my injury is behind me and my training carries me to a better finish.

If I've kept up correctly you're at Syracuse now after a very successful run at Davis. I still remember our plyometric and hill workouts at CHS. For some reason they're burned into my memory. Those were good days. I only wish I had as good of coach now as I had then (self-coached now) and that I recovered as quickly at 41 as I did at 16.

Let me know how things are going. I'd enjoy staying in touch.


Diane B said...

Bigfoot Farm runners did well. We missed you. Wendy took 3rd in her age group. I didn't see who took over your spot. Bouchard's made an appearance at the start & finish, then left for rest at home as Rex has pneumonia. We talked to them briefly.

XC/T&F said...

It's great that you are still running. I'm still getting in some miles, but it's about 3-4 days a week of running with the rest biking. From March to June, I just get in a Sunday run. I run about 4-5 races a year- well, I guess you could call it running. I "peaked out" at about 35-40 years of age, then went into a "decline", and at about 50 started a "free fall". I still run with the kids, but not the faster ones. At 60 now, my fastest run of the day is a sprint to the Ibuprofen.

After about 20 years at Davis, I decided to make the change to Syracuse. I wanted a new challenge. It may be a bigger challenge than I wanted. At Davis, I was coaching the younger brothers and sisters of kids I had coached previously. I can't find many kids at Syracuse that have ever run or that have ties with people that have run. But it's been a good change and I hope to get things going.

I'll keep up with your running on this blog. You can follow the Titans at:

Keep putting in the mileage.

Coach Buhrley