Monday, September 10, 2007

Easy 8 vs. Virtual Training Partner

I figured I better get this one in early or else it may be difficult.
Today will be hectic at the office as we're finalizing and filing the
corporate tax return.

I left the house at 4:30 and parked at the Y. I went through the
neighborhoods for 2 miles and onto the bayou trail for another 2 miles
then I run back the way I came.

The training goal was for an 8:46 pace. My plan was to run 2.7 miles
at 9:01 followed by 2.7 miles at 8:46 then 2.7 at 8:31.

I think I was pretty close the first 5.4 (I'll have to check my watch
later). For the final 2.7, I switched my watch to Virtual Patner
mode. I used this one other time last week. The screen has a visual
depiction of my "partner" and me with an indication of how far I'm
ahead or behind. I programmed the "partner" to go 8:46 before I
started today. So now all I had to do was catch him before the
finish. I don't know why this works for me but it does. With 2.5 to
go, I was behind by 120 feet. I wasn't going to let him beat me. I
closed the gap quickly and was even with a mile to go. I stayed on
pace and finished with an overall 8:41 pace.

It was a good run this morning. I'm glad I got it in. Now it's on to
the realities of the day.

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