Saturday, June 30, 2007

Tough 12

Put in 12 miles with Bob Bond this morning. We started at 6AM with ChampionsFit. I wouldn't have minded starting at 5:30.

Mile splits:


12 miles @ 8:53 (1:46:33)

Observations of note:

1st 5 miles - 43:58
2nd 5 miles - 43:52
I'm surprised by the consistency but happy to note it. Especially since it felt like I was really slowing. Of course, over the final 2 miles - I really did!

The overall time of 1:46:33 is very close to my Ogden half time of 1:46:09. Of course the distance today was 12 versus 13.1 in Ogden. But the conditions in Ogden were close to ideal - temperature, humidity, downhill, race situation. Compared to today's training run in more challenging weather. Maybe there's nothing to draw from this but somehow it seems to be a good thing ....

I'm not sure what my problem was but my stomach didn't feel good the last third. Yesterday I had a messed up eating routine (business lunch at Carrabba's - really overdid it!; evening church social - ultimately not sure what some of the stuff I ate there was but I'm sure it was more processed than usual; and this morning's breakfast was a lot more oatmeal than usual). I had about a third of a PowerBar before running and had GU three times along the run. I think I'm off the PowerBar's and I'm not convinced GU is the best choice for me either. I'll keep experimenting on long runs. After the run I felt worse and worse throughout the day. It may have just been dehydration.

I used moleskin on my blisters. That doesn't seem to be helping much. In fact, it almost seems like it promotes blisters. I stopped at FleetFeet this afternoon. I really wish I could remember my second choice for shoes back in March when I got the Mizuno Wave Rider 10's. It was very close between which ones I liked best and I even thought that I'd try the "second place" shoes when I got new ones. But I now have no idea what the "second place" shoes were. I tried three pairs today but it was hard to tell since my feet were sore from this morning's run and the blisters were large and screaming. I'll probably go back later this week when they calm down a bit. I've got my eye on Asics Cumulus 9's.

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